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niche overlap中文是什么意思

用"niche overlap"造句"niche overlap"怎么读"niche overlap" in a sentence


  • 生态位重叠
  • 生态席位重迭
  • 重叠度


  • Simpson shannon - wiener methods for measuring niche breadth and wang - gang niche overlap formula are more fitted to ecotone
    Simpson 、 shannon - wiener生态位宽度公式和王刚生态位重叠公式对该区更为适用。
  • The niche proportional similarity and the niche overlap index reflect the niche characteristics of the evergreen broadleaf trees in subtropical forest
  • It demonstrated that there is strong competition between two for nature resource . the value of the niche overlap with cyrtomiian fortunei is secondly bigger , it is 0 . 3389
    4 )荷叶铁线蕨与鸢尾的生态位重叠最大,为0 . 3515 ,表明两者间存在强烈的对自然资源的竞争。
  • The paper holds that the degree of competition between enterprises is proportional to their niche overlap in an enterprise ecosystem where the environmental resources are limited
  • Whereas , for the natural forest consisted of native species , the niche overlap was low and the interspecies relationship was harmonious . the composition structure of community thereby was more stable
  • There are five natural sample zones of adiantum reniforme l . var . sinense y . x . lin investigated , and recorded 34 species . 10 dominant species were used to calculate the niche width of populations and the niche overlap interpopulations
  • In this study , the niche characteristics of 12 main tree populations in ? castanopsis carlessii ? forest have been analyzed by quantitative method at the nature reserve of wuyi mountains , including niche breadth , niche proportional similarity and niche overlap
  • In this paper , the niche characteristics of the dominant herb species in the subtropical ev - ergreen broad leaved woodland ( 53 species ) have been measured at the natural reserve of wanmu ling , including niche breadth , niche proportional similarity and niche overlap
  • Iii ) for artificial communities including herbaceous community , pure conifer and needle broad - leaved mixed forest , the poor niche configuration and serious niche overlap of component species made the composition structure of community be in an unstable state
    3 )人工构建的群落(包括草本群落、针叶纯林和针阔混交林)其组成物种生态位配置差,生态位重叠大,造成群落组成结构不稳定。
  • The results indicated that the greater the niche breadth of a species was , the stronger the ability of adaptation to environment and using resources was . the greater the niche overlap value for some species - pairs , the more similar the environmental requirements and resource use . the species with wide niche breadth may have high overlap value with species with narrow niche breadth , and low on the contrary
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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